Since I was a young boy I loved automobiles.” It has been a lifelong passion of mine. I enjoyed watching old movies just to see the magnificent classic cars. I thought “wouldn’t it be great to have a car in a film so people could appreciate it for generations to come.” I presently own and have painstakingly restored many American and foreign automobiles. I am the previous Chairman and Chief Judge of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club in Southern California, and a member and director of many other car clubs. I have been awarded many 1st place trophies for my restorations. However, one of the greatest enjoyments I get from my cars is seeing them in a magazine, on television, or in a film. This gives me the pleasure of knowing that they will be seen forever.
I strive to make this a rewarding and satisfying experience for my clients. Your fees will vary based on the type of vehicle and length of the rental. Jobs can range from a 4-hour photo shoot to an entire television series. You will be paid promptly and your vehicle will be fully insured during production. We work closely with the producers and directors to achieve their visions for your car while taking extensive precautions to protect your vehicle from damage or unsafe situations. You will have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is being overseen by experienced professionals who make sure your “rolling work of art” is well-cared for and protected while working in the limelight.
I started Classic Auto Rental Service in 1996 to allow the entertainment industry access to some rare and valuable vehicles stored in private collections. At the same time assist collectors, like myself, who sought to rent their vehicles to the entertainment industry but had heard all of the horror stories. I wanted answers about where my car was going, how it was going to be used, and how much will I be paid. I never felt comfortable with the answers I received. I know how precious these vehicles are to us. I represent many private collectors who know and trust me with their priceless collection of classic and antique automobiles. From a 5-million dollar Ferrari to a hundred dollar Yugo, all my clients’ vehicles get treated with the same importance and respect.
If you want your car to become a “Star” then make us your only choice.

If you have any questions, please give us a call.